4chan API Client Library
(require yotsubAPI) | package: yotsubAPI |
yotsubAPI is an interface to the 4chan JSON API. The catalog is a list of threads and the threads are hasheq’s.
1 Procedures
(4chan-data board x) → (listof hash-eq?)
board : string? x : (or/c string? number?)
This procedure is used as the backbone for many other procedures.
It takes a board identifier (e.g. "g" or "a") and either a thread number or the string "catalog".
(4chan-data-page board n) → (listof hash-eq?)
board : string? n : number?
This procedure takes a board identifier as a string and a page number
and returns a list of hashes with information about the page.
(4chan-data-catalog board) → (listof hash-eq?)
board : string?
This procedure takes a board identifier and returns a list of hashes
containing information about that board’s catalog.
(4chan-data-thread board id) → (listof hash-eq?)
board : string? id : number?
This procedure takes a board identifier and a thread number and
returns a hasheq containing the information about that thread.
(4chan-catalog-search catalog pattern) → (listof hash-eq?)
catalog : hash-eq? pattern : (or/c regexp? byte-regexp? string? bytes?)
This procedure takes a list of hashes (created from running 4chan-data-catalog)
and a regexp pattern to search and returns a hasheq containing the search results.
(4chan-thread-match-fn pattern) → procedure?
pattern : (or/c regexp? byte-regexp? string? bytes?)
This procedure is a helper procedure where you provide a pattern and
it will return a procedure that you apply to a thread’s hasheq.
(4chan-thread-is-lisp-general? thread) → boolean?
thread : hash-eq?
This procedure is a helper procedure takes takes a thread’s hasheq
and will return a boolean value.
(4chan-catalog-find-lisp-general catalog) → hash-eq?
catalog : (listof hash-eq?)
This procedure takes a catalog’s hasheq and returns the hasheq
for the first Lisp General it finds, if it exists.
(4chan-thread-url board thread) → string?
board : string? thread : hash-eq?
This procedure takes a board identifier and a thread’s hasheq and returns
its URL as a string.