The time is now Thursday, June 20th, 2024 7:50:06pm (/usr/bin/env PLT_PKG_BUILD_SERVICE=1 PLTUSERHOME=/home/root//user PLT_PKG_BUILD_SERVICE=1 CI=true PLTSTDERR=debug@pkg error PLT_INFO_ALLOW_VARS=;PLT_PKG_BUILD_SERVICE PLTCOMPILEDROOTS=/home/root//zo: /bin/sh -c cd "/home/root/"/racket && bin/racket -MCR "/home/root/"/zo: -l- raco pkg install --jobs 1 -u --auto behavior) Resolved "behavior" via file:///home/root//catalogs/archive/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "cf171115c14b4e6e66923ee7f69066845f11b72c") (dependencies . (("base") ("rackunit-lib") ("racket-index") ("scribble-lib") ("scribble-math") ("racket-doc") ("sandbox-lib") ("cover-coveralls"))) (description . "This package introduces a set of modeling techniques for exploring behavior in software systems.\r\nModels such as state machines and Petri nets can be used to model the behavior of a system, and\r\nMarkov chains are used to generate events to help in the simulation of systems.") (modules . ((lib "behavior/scribblings/behavior.scrbl") (lib "behavior/reporter.rkt") (lib "behavior/petri-net.rkt") (lib "behavior/fsm.rkt") (lib "behavior/test/petri-net.rkt") (lib "behavior/test/scribblings.rkt") (lib "behavior/test/utilities.rkt") (lib "behavior/markov-chain.rkt") (lib "behavior/test/markov-chain.rkt") (lib "behavior/test/fsm.rkt"))) (name . "behavior") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/archive/pkgs/") (tags . ("markov-chain" "petri-net" "state-machine"))) 00: Resolved "scribble-math" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog Resolved "cover-coveralls" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "72d51f23c4547cfdd62761185b66db13cabf77db") (dependencies . (("base") ("rackunit-lib") ("scribble-lib") ("scribble-lib") ("racket-doc") ("at-exp-lib") ("scribble-doc"))) (description . "Typesetting math in scribble (uses MathJax and/or KaTeX). Also supports figures with Asymptote.") (modules . ((lib "scribble-math/main.rkt") (lib "scribble-math/asymptote.rkt") (lib "scribble-math/scribblings/scribble-math.scrbl") (lib "scribble-math/mathjax-convert-unicode.rkt") (lib "scribble-math/katex-convert-unicode.rkt") (lib "scribble-math/dollar.rkt"))) (name . "scribble-math") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("documentation" "LaTeX" "math" "Math" "scribble"))) pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "ee163d0f73d76db42547b8df2c4b7ce292f530a6") (dependencies . (("base" #:version "6.1.1") ("cover-lib") ("rackunit-lib"))) (description . "") (modules . ((lib "cover/private/tests/not-run.rkt") (lib "cover/coveralls.rkt") (lib "cover/private/tests/prog.rkt") (lib "cover/private/coveralls.rkt"))) (name . "cover-coveralls") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("testing" "tools"))) Resolved "cover-lib" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "ecda9a609eb04e780329bae0124609d203116b61") (dependencies . (("base") ("compiler-lib") ("custom-load") ("data-lib") ("errortrace-lib") ("syntax-color-lib") ("testing-util-lib"))) (description . "A code coverage tool, implementation part") (modules . ((lib "cover/raco.rkt") (lib "cover/format.rkt") (lib "cover/cover.rkt") (lib "cover/main.rkt") (lib "cover/strace.rkt") (lib "cover/private/shared.rkt") (lib "cover/private/raw.rkt") (lib "cover/private/html/html.rkt") (lib "cover/private/file-utils.rkt") (lib "cover/private/format-utils.rkt") (lib "cover/private/contracts.rkt"))) (name . "cover-lib") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ("testing" "tools"))) Resolved "custom-load" via file:///home/root//catalogs/built/catalog pkg: catalog response: #hash((author . "") (checksum . "e97044436e26274661f99c765d43a3466b1047a7") (dependencies . (("base") ("racket-doc") ("scribble-lib"))) (description . "A load handler that avoids stale zo files.") (modules . ((lib "custom-load/top.rkt") (lib "custom-load/test/a.rkt") (lib "custom-load/test/c.rkt") (lib "custom-load/main.rkt") (lib "custom-load/test/b.rkt") (lib "custom-load/private/loader.rkt") (lib "custom-load/custom-load.scrbl"))) (name . "custom-load") (ring . 1) (source . "file:///home/root/catalogs/built/pkgs/") (tags . ())) pkg: creating single-collection link to # pkg: updating db with "custom-load" to '#s((sc-pkg-info pkg-info 3) (catalog "custom-load") "e97044436e26274661f99c765d43a3466b1047a7" #t "custom-load") pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "behavior" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "behavior") "cf171115c14b4e6e66923ee7f69066845f11b72c" #f) pkg: creating single-collection link to # pkg: updating db with "scribble-math" to '#s((sc-pkg-info pkg-info 3) (catalog "scribble-math") "72d51f23c4547cfdd62761185b66db13cabf77db" #t "scribble-math") pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "cover-coveralls" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "cover-coveralls") "ee163d0f73d76db42547b8df2c4b7ce292f530a6" #t) pkg: creating link to # pkg: updating db with "cover-lib" to '#s(pkg-info (catalog "cover-lib") "ecda9a609eb04e780329bae0124609d203116b61" #t) The following uninstalled packages were listed as dependencies and they were automatically installed: dependencies of behavior: scribble-math cover-coveralls dependencies of cover-coveralls: cover-lib dependencies of cover-lib: custom-load raco setup: version: raco setup: platform: x86_64-linux-natipkg [cs] raco setup: target machine: any raco setup: cross-installation: yes raco setup: installation name: snapshot raco setup: variants: cs raco setup: main collects: /home/root/racket/collects/ raco setup: collects paths: raco setup: /home/root/user/.local/share/racket/snapshot/collects raco setup: /home/root/racket/collects/ raco setup: main pkgs: /home/root/racket/share/pkgs raco setup: pkgs paths: raco setup: /home/root/racket/share/pkgs raco setup: /home/root//user/.local/share/racket/snapshot/pkgs raco setup: links files: raco setup: /home/root/racket/share/links.rktd raco setup: /home/root//user/.local/share/racket/snapshot/links.rktd raco setup: compiled-file roots: raco setup: /home/root//zo raco setup: same raco setup: main docs: /home/root/racket/doc raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables --- [0:50:14] raco setup: updating: /home/root/user/.local/share/racket/snapshot/share/info-cache.rktd raco setup: --- pre-installing collections --- [0:50:14] raco setup: --- installing foreign libraries --- [0:50:14] raco setup: --- installing shared files --- [0:50:14] raco setup: --- compiling collections --- [0:50:14] raco setup: making: /behavior/behavior raco setup: in /behavior/behavior raco setup: in /behavior/behavior/scribblings raco setup: in /scribble-math raco setup: making: /behavior/behavior/scribblings raco setup: making: /behavior/behavior/test raco setup: in /behavior/behavior/test raco setup: making: /cover-coveralls/cover raco setup: in /cover-coveralls/cover raco setup: in /cover-coveralls/cover/private raco setup: in /cover-lib/cover raco setup: in /cover-lib/cover/private raco setup: in /custom-load raco setup: in /custom-load/private raco setup: in /cover-lib/cover/private/html raco setup: making: /cover-coveralls/cover/private raco setup: making: /cover-coveralls/cover/private/tests raco setup: in /cover-coveralls/cover/private/tests raco setup: making: /cover-lib/cover raco setup: in /cover-lib/cover raco setup: making: /cover-lib/cover/private raco setup: making: /cover-lib/cover/private/html raco setup: making: /cover-lib/cover/private/html/assets raco setup: making: /custom-load (custom-load) raco setup: in /custom-load raco setup: making: /custom-load/private raco setup: making: /scribble-math raco setup: in /scribble-math raco setup: in /scribble-math/scribblings raco setup: making: /scribble-math/asymptote-images raco setup: making: /scribble-math/bower_components raco setup: making: /scribble-math/bower_components/katex raco setup: making: /scribble-math/scribblings raco setup: making: /scribble-math/scribblings/asymptote-images raco setup: --- creating launchers --- [0:50:23] raco setup: --- installing man pages --- [0:50:23] raco setup: --- building documentation --- [0:50:23] raco setup: running: /behavior/behavior/scribblings/behavior.scrbl raco setup: syncing: /custom-load/doc/custom-load raco setup: running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/local-redirect.scrbl raco setup: running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/release.scrbl raco setup: syncing: /scribble-math/doc/scribble-math raco setup: running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/search.scrbl raco setup: running: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl raco setup: rendering: /behavior/behavior/scribblings/behavior.scrbl raco setup: rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/local-redirect.scrbl raco setup: rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/release.scrbl raco setup: rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/search.scrbl raco setup: rendering: /racket-index/scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl raco setup: --- installing collections --- [0:50:39] raco setup: --- post-installing collections --- [0:50:39] The time is now Thursday, June 20th, 2024 7:50:39pm