1.9 The Module Browser🔗ℹ

The module browser shows you the structure of all of the files in your program. It can be opened via the Show menu, or via the Module Browser menu items in the Racket menu. It is also available from the command-line via raco dependencies-graph.

A module browser window contains a square for each module. The squares are colored based on the number of lines of code in the module. If a module has more lines of code, it gets a darker color. If a module is red, it means that DrRacket did not find a source file for it.

In addition, for each normal import, a blue line drawn is from the module to the importing module. Similarly, purple lines are drawn for each for-syntax, for-template or for-meta import. In the initial module layout in the standalone module browser window, modules to the left import modules to the right. When the winow is embedded in the DrRacket window, module above import those below. (Since modules can be moved around interactively, that property might not be preserved.)

To open the file corresponding to the module, double click on the box for that module.

The module browser will also show you the phases that each module is loaded in; choose the Long, with phases menu item in the Names pop-up menu. The integers indicate the phases and if #f is present, it means the module is loaded for-label.

In the standalone window view, there is a bar along the bottom that helps you find your way in a module graph. Specifically, if you type something there, then all of the modules whose filenames match what you type will turn green in the module window. This bar is only visible in the stand alone module browser window (via the Racket menu or raco depedencies-graph).

The Visible Packages menu controls which subset of the modules are visible. To start, all of the modules in the same package as the package of the initial file are shown.

The Visible Submodules menu also controls which subset of the modules are visible. To start, all of the modules that are not submodules are shown. Use this menu to add in additional submodules.