On this page:
for/  array:
for*/  array:
for/  array
for*/  array

6.9 Comprehensions and Sequences🔗ℹ

Sometimes sequential processing is unavoidable, so math/array provides loops and sequences.


(for/array: maybe-shape maybe-fill (for:-clause ...) maybe-type-ann
  body ...+)


(for*/array: maybe-shape maybe-fill (for:-clause ...) maybe-type-ann
  body ...+)
maybe-shape = 
  | #:shape ds
maybe-fill = 
  | #:fill fill
maybe-type-ann = 
  | : body-type
  ds : In-Indexes
  fill : body-type
Creates arrays by generating elements in a for-loop or for*-loop. Unlike other Typed Racket loop macros, these accept a body annotation, which declares the type of elements. They do not accept an annotation for the entire type of the result.

> (for/array: ([x  (in-range 3)] [y  (in-range 3)]) : Integer
    (+ x y))

- : #(struct:Mutable-Array



       (Boxof Boolean)

       (-> Void)

       (-> Indexes Integer)

       (-> Indexes Integer Void)

       (Vectorof Integer))

      #<syntax:build/user/ prop:custom-write>)

(mutable-array #[0 2 4])

> (for*/array: ([x  (in-range 3)] [y  (in-range 3)]) : Integer
    (+ x y))

- : #(struct:Mutable-Array



       (Boxof Boolean)

       (-> Void)

       (-> Indexes Integer)

       (-> Indexes Integer Void)

       (Vectorof Integer))

      #<syntax:build/user/ prop:custom-write>)

(mutable-array #[0 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 4])

The shape of the result is independent of the loop clauses: note that the last example does not have shape #(3 3), but shape #(9). To control the shape, use the #:shape keyword:
> (for*/array: #:shape #(3 3) ([x  (in-range 3)]
                               [y  (in-range 3)]) : Integer
    (+ x y))

- : #(struct:Mutable-Array



       (Boxof Boolean)

       (-> Void)

       (-> Indexes Integer)

       (-> Indexes Integer Void)

       (Vectorof Integer))

      #<syntax:build/user/ prop:custom-write>)

(mutable-array #[#[0 1 2] #[1 2 3] #[2 3 4]])

If the loop does not generate enough elements, the rest are filled with the first generated value:
> (for*/array: #:shape #(4) ([x  (in-range 1 3)]) x)

- : #(struct:Mutable-Array



       (Boxof Boolean)

       (-> Void)

       (-> Indexes Any)

       (-> Indexes Any Void)

       (Vectorof Any))

      #<syntax:build/user/ prop:custom-write>)

(mutable-array #[1 2 1 1])

To change this behavior, use the #:fill keyword:
> (for*/array: #:shape #(4) #:fill -1 ([x  (in-range 1 3)]) x)

- : #(struct:Mutable-Array



       (Boxof Boolean)

       (-> Void)

       (-> Indexes Any)

       (-> Indexes Any Void)

       (Vectorof Any))

      #<syntax:build/user/ prop:custom-write>)

(mutable-array #[1 2 -1 -1])

In the last two examples, the array’s type is (Mutable-Array Any) because a body annotation was not given.


(for/array maybe-shape maybe-fill (for-clause ...)
  body ...+)


(for*/array maybe-shape maybe-fill (for-clause ...)
  body ...+)
Untyped versions of the loop macros.


(in-array arr)  (Sequenceof A)

  arr : (Array A)
Returns a sequence of arr’s elements in row-major order.

> (define arr (array #[#[1 2] #[10 20]]))
> (for/list: : (Listof Integer) ([x  (in-array arr)]) x)

- : (Listof Integer)

'(1 2 10 20)


(in-array-axis arr [axis])  (Sequenceof (Array A))

  arr : (Array A)
  axis : Integer = 0
Like array->array-list, but returns a sequence.

> (define arr (array #[#[1 2] #[10 20]]))
> (sequence->list (in-array-axis arr))

- : (Listof


       (Indexes Index (Boxof Boolean) (-> Void) (-> Indexes Positive-Byte))

       #<syntax:build/user/ prop:equal+hash>

       #<syntax:build/user/ prop:custom-write>

       #<syntax:build/user/ prop:custom-print-quotable>))

(list (array #[1 2]) (array #[10 20]))

> (sequence->list (in-array-axis arr 1))

- : (Listof


       (Indexes Index (Boxof Boolean) (-> Void) (-> Indexes Positive-Byte))

       #<syntax:build/user/ prop:equal+hash>

       #<syntax:build/user/ prop:custom-write>

       #<syntax:build/user/ prop:custom-print-quotable>))

(list (array #[1 10]) (array #[2 20]))


(in-array-indexes ds)  (Sequenceof Indexes)

  ds : In-Indexes
Returns a sequence of indexes for shape ds, in row-major order.

> (for/array: #:shape #(3 3) ([js  (in-array-indexes #(3 3))]) : Indexes

- : #(struct:Mutable-Array



       (Boxof Boolean)

       (-> Void)

       (-> Indexes Indexes)

       (-> Indexes Indexes Void)

       (Vectorof Indexes))

      #<syntax:build/user/ prop:custom-write>)


 #[#['#(0 0) '#(0 1) '#(0 2)]

   #['#(1 0) '#(1 1) '#(1 2)]

   #['#(2 0) '#(2 1) '#(2 2)]])

> (for*/array: #:shape #(3 3) ([j0  (in-range 3)]
                               [j1  (in-range 3)]) : In-Indexes
    (vector j0 j1))

- : #(struct:Mutable-Array



       (Boxof Boolean)

       (-> Void)

       (-> Indexes In-Indexes)

       (-> Indexes In-Indexes Void)

       (Vectorof In-Indexes))

      #<syntax:build/user/ prop:custom-write>)


 #[#['#(0 0) '#(0 1) '#(0 2)]

   #['#(1 0) '#(1 1) '#(1 2)]

   #['#(2 0) '#(2 1) '#(2 2)]])

> (indexes-array #(3 3))

- : #(struct:Array

      (Indexes Index (Boxof Boolean) (-> Void) (-> Indexes Indexes))

      #<syntax:build/user/ prop:equal+hash>

      #<syntax:build/user/ prop:custom-write>

      #<syntax:build/user/ prop:custom-print-quotable>)


 #[#['#(0 0) '#(0 1) '#(0 2)]

   #['#(1 0) '#(1 1) '#(1 2)]

   #['#(2 0) '#(2 1) '#(2 2)]])