On this page:
render-syntax/  snip
render-syntax/  window

19 Syntax Browser🔗

 (require mrlib/syntax-browser) package: gui-lib


(render-syntax/snip stx 
  [#:summary-width summary-width]) 
  (is-a?/c snip%)
  stx : syntax?
  summary-width : (or/c #f 0 (integer-in 3 #f) +inf.0) = 32
Constructs a snip% object that displays information about stx.

The summary-width parameter controls the width (in characters) of the syntax object that is shown before the triangle is turned down. If it is #f, the value of the print-syntax-width parameter is used.

Changed in version 1.59 of package gui-lib: Added summary-width argument and changed default width to 32.


(render-syntax/window stx    
  [#:summary-width summary-width])  void?
  stx : syntax?
  summary-width : (or/c #f 0 (integer-in 3 #f) +inf.0) = 32
Uses render-syntax/snip’s result, together with a frame and editor-canvas to show stx.

Changed in version 1.59 of package gui-lib: Added summary-width argument and changed default width to 32.

The snipclass used by the result of render-syntax/snip.


render-syntax-focused-syntax-color-style-name : string?

The name of the style that controls the color of the focused portion of the syntax object that’s being displayed. See also render-syntax-subtitle-color-style-name.

Defaults to a style that’s derived from the basic style with the foreground color "forestgreen".


render-syntax-subtitle-color-style-name : string?

Like render-syntax-focused-syntax-color-style-name but for the subheadings when the syntax browser details are shown.

Defaults to a style that’s derived from the basic style with the foreground color "navy".