5.7 Allocation and Finalization
(require ffi/unsafe/alloc) | package: base |
((allocator dealloc) alloc) โ (or/c procedure? #f)
dealloc : (any/c . -> . any) alloc : (or/c procedure? #f)
The resulting allocator calls alloc in atomic mode (see call-as-atomic). The result from alloc is received and registered in atomic mode, so that the result is reliably deallocated as long as no exception is raised.
The dealloc procedure will be called in atomic mode, and it must obey the same constraints as a finalizer procedure provided to register-finalizer. The dealloc procedure itself need not be specifically a deallocator produced by deallocator. If a deallocator is called explicitly, it need not be the same as dealloc.
When a non-main place exits, after all custodian-shutdown actions, for every dealloc still registered via an allocator or retainer (from allocator or retainer), the value to deallocate is treated as immediately unreachable. At that point, dealloc functions are called in reverse order of their registrations. Note that references in a dealloc functionโs closure do not prevent running a dealloc function for any other value. If deallocation needs to proceed in an order different than reverse of allocation, use a retainer to insert a new deallocation action that will run earlier.
Changed in version of package base: Added atomic mode for dealloc
and changed non-main place exits to call
all remaining deallocs.
Changed in version Produce #f when alloc
is #f.
((deallocator [get-arg]) dealloc) โ procedure?
get-arg : (list? . -> . any/c) = car dealloc : procedure?
((releaser [get-arg]) dealloc) โ procedure?
get-arg : (list? . -> . any/c) = car dealloc : procedure?
The optional get-arg procedure determines which of deallocโs arguments correspond to the released object; get-arg receives a list of arguments passed to dealloc, so the default car selects the first one. Note that get-arg can only choose one of the by-position arguments to dealloc, though the deallocator will require and accept the same keyword arguments as dealloc, if any.
The releaser procedure is a synonym for deallocator.
((retainer release [get-arg]) retain) โ procedure?
release : (any/c . -> . any) get-arg : (list? . -> . any/c) = car retain : procedure?
a retainer does not cancel any existing release or dealloc registrations when registering release; and
release is registered for a value v that is is an argument to the retainer, instead of the result for an allocator.
The optional get-arg procedure determines which of the retainerโs arguments (that is, which of retainโs arguments) correspond to the retained object v; get-arg receives a list of arguments passed to retain, so the default car selects the first one. Note that get-arg can only choose one of the by-position arguments to retain, though the retainer will require and accept the same keyword arguments as retain, if any.
Changed in version of package base: Added atomic mode for release and changed non-main place exits to call all remaining releases.