On this page:
2.6.1 Data Definitions
2.6.2 Exported Functions

2.6 iTunes: "itunes.rkt"🔗

Matthias Felleisen

 (require 2htdp/itunes) package: htdp-lib

The itunes.rkt teachpack implements and provides the functionality for reading the collection of tracks exported from iTunes.

In iTunes, select Library from the File menu and then choose Export Library. Doing so exports a description of your iTunes collection as a file in XML format.

2.6.1 Data Definitions🔗


(struct track (name artist album time track# added play# played)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-track)
  name : string?
  artist : string?
  album : string?
  time : natural-number/c
  track# : natural-number/c
  added : date?
  play# : natural-number/c
  played : date?
is one representations for the music tracks in an iTunes collection.

An instance records that the track has title name, is produced by artist, belongs to album, plays for time milliseconds, is positioned at track#, was added at date added, has been played play# times, and was last played at played date.


(struct date (year month day hour minute second)
    #:extra-constructor-name make-date)
  year : natural-number/c
  month : natural-number/c
  day : natural-number/c
  hour : natural-number/c
  minute : natural-number/c
  second : natural-number/c
is a representations of dates in an iTunes collection.

An instance records six pieces of information: the date’s year, month (between 1 and 12 inclusive), day (between 1 and 31), hour (between 0 and 23), minute (between 0 and 59), and second (between 0 and 59).

In this context, we introduce the following data definitions:
; Track is a track?
; Date is date?
; LTracks is one of:
;  '()
;  (cons Track LTracks)
; LLists is one of:
;  '()
;  (cons LAssoc LLists)
; LAssoc is one of:
;  '()
;  (cons Association LAssoc)
; Association is (cons string? (cons BSDN '()))
; BSDN satisfies either string?, integer?, real?, Date, or boolean?.

2.6.2 Exported Functions🔗


(read-itunes-as-lists file-name)  LLists

  file-name : string?
creates a list-of-lists representation for all tracks in file-name, an XML export from an iTunes library.

Effect reads an XML document from file-name


(read-itunes-as-lists "Library.xml")


(read-itunes-as-tracks file-name)  LTracks

  file-name : string?
creates a list-of-tracks representation for all tracks in file-name, an XML export from an iTunes library.

Effect reads an XML document from file-name


(read-itunes-as-tracks "Library.xml")


(create-track name    
  played)  (or/c track? false?)
  name : string?
  artist : string?
  album : string?
  time : natural-number/c
  track# : natural-number/c
  added : date?
  play# : natural-number/c
  played : date?
creates a track representation if the inputs live up to their predicates. Otherwise it produces #false.

Note This is a checked constructor.

> (create-track "one"
                (create-date 1 2 3 4 5 6)
                (create-date 1 2 3 4 5 6))

(track "one" "two" "three" 4 5 (date 1 2 3 4 5 6) 7 (date 1 2 3 4 5 6))

> (create-track "one" "two" "three" 4 5 "a date" 7 "another date")



(create-date year month day hour minute second)

  (or/c date? false?)
  year : natural-number/c
  month : natural-number/c
  day : natural-number/c
  hour : natural-number/c
  minute : natural-number/c
  second : natural-number/c
creates a date representation if the inputs live up to their predicates. Otherwise it produces #false.

Note This is a checked constructor.

> (create-date 1 2 3 4 5 6)

(date 1 2 3 4 5 6)

> (create-date 1 2 3 "four" 5 6)


In addition to the above, the teachpack exports the predicates for Track and Date plus all selectors: