On this page:
1.1 Quickstart
1.1.1 Raco
1.1.2 Mike
1.1.3 Exe
1.1.4 PATH
1.2 Upstream
1.3 License

1 About🔗ℹ

I used to use GNU Make to speed up development of my Racket projects. I started generalizing the Makefiles and my project layout to make it so I could use the same Makefile in many projects and with known to me commands (targets).

But then, I thought that it’s not ideal to include a file in each of my projects that would be mostly the same. So, I decided to, in the spirit of Racket, rewrite Make in Racket but make it do only what my Makefile used to do.

The Makefile I used to use can be found left over in my projects or in the s-exp project repository. That file is released into the Public Domain (or under CC0-1.0 if your country does not have Public Domain).

1.1 Quickstart🔗ℹ

1.1.1 Raco🔗ℹ

Install Racket-Mike from remote Racket package catalog by executing:
  raco pkg install mike

If you have cloned the repository instead use:
  raco pkg install --name mike

1.1.2 Mike🔗ℹ

If you want to install mike via itself (from within the cloned repository):
  racket ./mike/main.rkt PACKAGE_NAME=mike install setup

or if you already have mike installed and you wish to update it:
  git pull
  mike PACKAGE_NAME=mike reinstall setup

1.1.3 Exe🔗ℹ

Another way to use mike is to create a executable binary from itself and then put it in a directory included in PATH, ie.: "/usr/bin"
  racket ./mike/main.rkt PACKAGE_NAME=mike clean exe
  sudo cp ./bin/mike /usr/bin

1.1.4 PATH🔗ℹ

After installation make sure the launcher of mike is available in a directory included in your PATH.

You can also launch mike with racket using --l/-–lib flag.

  racket -l mike/main -- -h
  racket -l mike -- clean

1.2 Upstream🔗ℹ

The upstream repository can be found on GitLab.

1.3 License🔗ℹ

Racket-Mike is released under GNU GPL, version 3 (only) license.

Read the license text here.