On this page:
2.1 Entrypoint
2.2 Scribblings
2.3 Artifact directories

2 Supported project structure🔗ℹ

The way I structure projects is that the package root is the repository root (the directory holding te source code) and the Racket package is a multi-collection package.

The PACKAGE_NAME variable is initially the same as the name of project directory.

2.1 Entrypoint🔗ℹ

If the package has a CLI (command-line interface) the file to run that interface should be named "PACKAGE_NAME/main.rkt" (controlled by the ENTRYPOINT variable).

2.2 Scribblings🔗ℹ

Scribblings are in "PACKAGE_NAME/scribblings" directory and the main scribble file is named "PACKAGE_NAME.scrbl".

2.3 Artifact directories🔗ℹ

Generated binary (exe target) appears in "bin" directory and documentation in doc (docs target).