Unsafe bindings for Raylib’s 2D components.
They are called and marked unsafe, since they can cause undefined behaviour
if misused, as they are a thin wrapper over a C API.
Function(s) Excluded | Reason |
SetClipboardText, GetClipboardText | clipboard<%> should be used instead |
WaitTime | sleep should be used instead |
GetRandomValue, SetRandomSeed | random should be used instead |
MemAlloc, MemRealloc, MemFree | malloc, free and other Racket pointer
conversion functions should be used instead |
CompressData, DecompressData, EncodeDataBase64, DecodeDataBase64 | file/zip
(or alternatives) should be used instead |
LoadFileData, LoadFileText, UnloadFileData, UnloadFileText, SaveFileData, SaveFileText, FileExists, DirectoryExists, IsFileExtension, GetFileExtension, GetFileName, GetFileNameWithoutExt, GetDirectoryPath, GetPrevDirectoryPath, GetWorkingDirectory, GetDirectoryFiles, ClearDirectoryFiles, ChangeDirectory, GetFileModTime | Racket's own IO functions should be used instead |
GetCodepointCount, GetCodepoint, CodepointToUTF8, TextCodepointsToUTF8, TextCopy, TextIsEqual, TextLength, TextFormat, TextSubtext, TextReplace, TextInsert, TextJoin, TextSplit, TextAppend, TextFindIndex, TextToUpper, TextToLower, TextToPascal, TextToInteger | Racket's own string functions should be used instead |
SetTraceLogCallback | this takes a varargs function pointer, which is
impossible to produce with pure Racket bindings |
BeginVrStereoMode, BeginMode3D, EndVrStereoMode, EndMode3D, LoadVrStereoConfig, UnloadVrStereoConfig, DrawLine3D, DrawPoint3D, DrawCircle3D, DrawTriangle3D, DrawTriangleStrip3D, DrawCube, DrawCubeV, DrawCubeWires, DrawCubeWiresV, DrawCubeTexture, DrawCubeTextureRec, DrawSphere, DrawSphereEx, DrawSphereWires, DrawCylinder, DrawCylinderEx, DrawCylinderWires, DrawCylinderWiresEx, DrawPlane, DrawRay, DrawGrid, LoadModel, LoadModelFromMesh, UnloadModel, UnloadModelKeepMeshes, GetModelBoundingBox, DrawModel, DrawModelEx, DrawModelWires, DrawModelWiresEx, DrawBoundingBox, DrawBillboard, DrawBillboardRec, DrawBillboardPro, UploadMesh, UpdateMeshBuffer, UnloadMesh, DrawMesh, DrawMeshInstanced, ExportMesh, GetMeshBoundingBox, GenMeshTangents, GenMeshBinormals, GenMeshPoly, GenMeshPlane, GenMeshCube, GenMeshSphere, GenMeshHemiSphere, GenMeshCylinder, GenMeshCone, GenMeshTorus, GenMeshKnot, GenMeshHeightmap, GenMeshCubicmap, LoadMaterials, LoadMaterialDefault, UnloadMaterial, SetMaterialTexture, SetModelMeshMaterial, LoadModelAnimations, UpdateModelAnimation, UnloadModelAnimation, UnloadModelAnimations, IsModelAnimationValid, CheckCollisionSpheres, CheckCollisionBoxes, CheckCollisionBoxSphere, GetRayCollisionSphere, GetRayCollisionBox, GetRayCollisionMesh, GetRayCollisionTriangle, GetRayCollisionQuad | these are not applicable to 2D rendering |