On this page:
Get  Dropped  Files*
Draw  Line  Strip*
Draw  Triangle  Fan*
Draw  Triangle  Strip*

3 Raylib Derived Utilities🔗ℹ

 (require raylib/derived/unsafe) package: raylib

Derived Raylib utilities, often modified versions of raw definitions from raylib/generated/unsafe/functions.

These are still unsafe, in that they can cause undefined behaviour if misused.


(GetDroppedFiles*)  (vectorof string?)

Modified version of GetDroppedFiles, which returns a vector directly, and clears the memory Raylib allocates for the return value.


(DrawLineStrip* points color)  void?

  points : (vectorof Vector2?)
  color : Color?
(DrawTriangleFan* points color)  void?
  points : (vectorof Vector2?)
  color : Color?
(DrawTriangleStrip* points color)  void?
  points : (vectorof Vector2?)
  color : Color?
Modified versions of DrawLineStrip, DrawTriangleFan and DrawTriangleStrip respectively, accepting a vector instead of a raw pointer.