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Maciej Barć <xgqt@riseup.net>

Dependency manager for Racket projects.

Req is a spiritual successor of Python’s "requirements.txt" files, but for Racket.

Version: 5.5.1, commit hash: N/A

    1 About

    2 Install

      2.1 Raco

      2.2 Make

      2.3 Req (self-installation)

    3 Tutorial

      3.1 Warning

      3.2 Project setup

      3.3 The raco req command

      3.4 Further reading

    4 Supported formats

      4.1 Special keys

        4.1.1 root

        4.1.2 catalogs

        4.1.3 local

      4.2 JSON

      4.3 Racket Data

    5 Command-line interface

      5.1 Synopsis

      5.2 Action flags

      5.3 Option flags

      5.4 Information flags

    6 Package assimialtion using submodules

      6.1 Examples

        6.1.1 asd

        6.1.2 req

    7 Req with virtual environments

    8 Comparison

    9 Frequently Asked Questions

      9.1 Why JSON?

      9.2 What about setup, test, etc.?

      9.3 What about requiring a specific version?

      9.4 Where are strings in the RKTD examples?

    10 Racket API

      10.1 Running Req from Racket

      10.2 Parsing Req files

      10.3 Req Version

    11 External Resources

      11.1 Posts

      11.2 Upstream

      11.3 Packages

      11.4 Inspiration
