On this page:
3.1 Warning
3.2 Project setup
3.3 The raco req command
3.4 Further reading

3 Tutorial🔗ℹ

3.1 Warning🔗ℹ

In addition to this tutorial, the document assumes that the user has read the official tutorial on creating packages.

This tutorial uses the JSON format. I want to inform the user, that Req also supports the RKTD format that would probably please Symbolic-Expression lovers (which most users of Racket probably are) more than JSON.

3.2 Project setup🔗ℹ

Let’s assume we are creating a package "mypkg".

We want to cut it into smaller packages so the users can install only the library, only the docs and/or only the tests, thus our project repository will contain:

Let’s put those packages into directory "src" in the project’s root and let’s create adequate "info.rkt" and source files. The structure of the project could look simialr to the following:

└── src/

    ├── mypkg/

       └── info.rkt

    ├── mypkg-doc/

       ├── info.rkt

       └── mypkg/

           └── scribblings/

               └── main.scrbl

    ├── mypkg-lib/

       ├── info.rkt

       └── mypkg/

           └── main.rkt

    └── mypkg-test/

        ├── info.rkt

        └── mypkg/

            └── tests/

                ├── integration/

                   └── integration-test.rkt

                └── unit/

                    └── unit-test.rkt

Normally if we would install a package from this project we would have to invoke a rather long, forgettable raco command which would have to be typed for each local package, for example: raco pkg install --no-docs --skip-installed ./src/mypkg-lib.

Req can bring a little bit of automation into the installation process. With Req all of project’s packages can be installed with one command.

First, create a "req.json" file at the project’s root.

├── req.json

└── src/

    ├── mypkg/

    ├── mypkg-doc/

    ├── mypkg-lib/

    └── mypkg-test/

Then, fill it with adequate data:

Thus, a basic Req file setup for our imaginary project will look like the following:


  "root": "src",

  "local": [




3.3 The raco req command🔗ℹ

After the project is set up we can invoke the raco req command.

We can check the information of the project using the raco req -s comamnd.



  - mypkg-test ✗


  - mypkg-lib ✗


  - mypkg ✗


  - mypkg-doc ✗



  - base ✓

  - racket-doc ✓

  - rackunit-lib ✓

  - scribble-lib ✓


We can install all (not yet installed) dependencies and local packages with raco req -A.

If we would invoke the above command again we should see Req informing us that all required packages are installed.

Package "racket-doc" already installed in "/usr/share/racket/pkgs/racket-doc".

Package "scribble-lib" already installed in "/usr/share/racket/pkgs/scribble-lib".

Package "rackunit-lib" already installed in "/usr/share/racket/pkgs/rackunit-lib".

Package "base" already installed in "/usr/share/racket/pkgs/base".

Package "mypkg-test" already installed in "/tmp/racket-mypkg/src/mypkg-test".

Package "mypkg-lib" already installed in "/tmp/racket-mypkg/src/mypkg-lib".

Package "req" already installed in "/tmp/racket-mypkg/src/mypkg".

Package "mypkg-doc" already installed in "/tmp/racket-mypkg/src/mypkg-doc".

3.4 Further reading🔗ℹ

For more information about supported keys see req-supported-formats-keys.

For more information about supported formats see req-supported-formats.

For more information about supported command-line options see req-cli.