On this page:
1.1 Supported Real-Number Operation
1.2 Compiling Real Expressions
1.3 Evaluating Real Expressions
exn:  rival
exn:  rival:  invalid
exn:  rival:  unsamplable

1 Real Computation🔗ℹ

Rival’s main use case is to evaluate real-number expressions to correctly-rounded floating-point outputs. To do so, you first compile your real-number expression to a "rival machine", and then apply that machine to specific inputs.

1.1 Supported Real-Number Operation🔗ℹ

Rival supports a simple language of real-number expressions containing variables, rational literals, common mathematical functions, and common mathematical constants:

  rival-expr? = variable
  | literal
  | (constant)
  | (operator rival-expr ...)
  variable = symbol?
  literal = real?
  constant = TRUE
  | PI
  | E
  operator = + - * / fma fabs
  | sqrt cbrt hypot
  | exp exp2 expm1 pow
  | log log2 log10 log1p logb
  | sin cos tan asin acos atan atan2
  | sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh
  | erf erfc lgamma tgamma
  | fmod remainder rint round ceil floor trunc
  | fmin fmax copysign fdim
  | < <= > >= == !=
  | if and or not
  | assert error

Expressions largely follow the semantics of math.h, not Racket, when it comes to, for example, the order of arguments to atan2 or the naming of the exponential function.

Some inputs are invalid to some operations, such as division by zero, square roots of negative numbers, and similar. For pow, Rival considers (pow 0 x) valid for non-negative x, and (pow x y) invalid for negative x and non-integer y. In general these conventions again follow those in math.h. Colloquially we say that these expressions "throw" on invalid points, though note that internally Rival uses error intervals to soundly track whether an input is invalid or not.

Expressions that mix boolean and real-number operations must type-check in the expected way, and variables must have consistent types. Rival does not perform typechecking; that is a user responsibility, and Rival may return undefined results if passed ill-typed formulas.

The assert and error operators need additional explanation; these control the definition of a "valid" input to an expression. The assert function takes in a boolean input and returns a boolean output. If the input is false, assert throws. Its output is always true. error? has the opposite behavior. This function never throws, and instead returns true if its argument throws and false if it doesn’t.

assert and error can be used to model constructs like preconditions, tests, try/catch blocks, and others.

1.2 Compiling Real Expressions🔗ℹ

To define the floating-point format that Rival is supposed to compute the output in, you provide a "discretization".


(struct discretization (target convert distance))

  target : integer?
  convert : (-> (or/c bigfloat? boolean?) T)
  distance : (-> T T integer?)
A discretization represents some subset of the real numbers (for example, flonum?). The target describes the bf-precision needed to exactly represent a value in the subset, the convert function converts a bigfloat value to a value in the subset, and the distance function determines how close two values in the subset are. A distance of 0 indicates that the two values are equal. A distance of 2 or greater indicates that the two values are far apart. A value of exactly 1 indicates that the two values are sequential, that is, that they share a rounding boundary. This last case triggers special behavior inside Rival to handle double-rounding issues. Note that (the absolute value of) flonums-between? already returns values that fit these requirements.

The typical use case is evaluating an expression to double-precision floating-point:


flonum-discretization : discretization?


bool-discretization : discretization?


(bf-discretization [precision])  discretization?

  precision : natural? = (bf-precision)
Use flonum-discretization to evaluate expressions to double precision and bool-discretization to evaluate boolean expressions.

Once you have the appropriate discretization, you can compile your real expression using rival-compile.


(rival-compile exprs vars discretizations)  rival-machine?

  exprs : (listof rival-expr?)
  vars : (listof symbol?)
  discretizations : (listof discretization)
exprs is a list of real-number expressions, using the grammar described above. vars is a list of the free variables of these expressions. An empty vars list can be provided if the expressions have no free variables. discretizations is a list of discretizations to use, one per expression. exprs and discretizations must be the same length. Returns a rival-machine?, an opaque type that can be passed to rival-apply to evaluate the compiled real expression on a specific point.

Internally, rival-compile converts the exprs into a simple register machine. rival-compile is fairly slow, so the ideal use case for Rival is to compile a function once and then apply it to multiple points.

If more than one expression is provided as an input to rival-compile, common subexpressions will be identified and eliminated during compilation. This makes Rival ideal for evaluting large families of related expressions, a feature that is heavily used in Herbie. Note that each expression can use a different discretization.

1.3 Evaluating Real Expressions🔗ℹ

Once a real expression has been compiled to a rival-machine?, it can be evaluated at specific input points using rival-apply.


(rival-apply machine point)  (vectorof T)

  machine : rival-machine?
  point : (vectorof (or/c bigfloat? boolean?))
Evaluates the compiled real expression on an input point represented as a vector of bigfloats. point must be the same length as the list vars passed to rival-compile. The output is a vector of output values of the same length as the exprs passed to rival-compile. Moreover, the output values are the same types T as used in the corresponding discretization.

If the point is an invalid input to at least one of the exprs passed to rival-compile, rival-apply raises exn:rival:invalid. If Rival is unable to evaluate at least one of the exprs on the point, rival-apply raises exn:rival:unsamplable.


(struct exn:rival exn:fail ())


(struct exn:rival:invalid exn:fail (pt))

  pt : (vectorof (or/c bigfloat? boolean?))


(struct exn:rival:unsamplable exn:fail (pt))

  pt : (vectorof (or/c bigfloat? boolean?))

Note that rival-apply will only return a result if it can prove that it has correctly-rounded the output, and it will only throw an exn:rival:invalid exception if it can prove that at least one of the output expressions in the machine throws on the given input. In all other cases

Internally, rival-apply executes the register machine stored in machine repeatedly, at ever-higher bf-precision, until the output intervals are narrow enough that both endpoints convert to outputs distance 0 apart in the requested discretization. The precision is chosen through a fairly-sophisticated process that can execute different operations in different precisions to maximize performance. Caching avoids re-executing instructions whose precision needs haven’t changed. Detailed execution information can be found via racket-profile.


(*rival-max-precision*)  natural?

(*rival-max-precision* precision)  void?
  precision : natural?
 = 10000


(*rival-max-iterations*)  natural?

(*rival-max-iterations* iterations)  void?
  iterations : natural?
 = 5

Sets the maximum precision used by Rival internally and the maximum iterations performed by Rival before raising the exn:rival:unsamplable error. Note that Rival will stop at whichever of *rival-max-precision* or *rival-max-iterations* is hit first. For example, Rival may execute the maximum number of iterations before reaching the maximum precision, or choose to use a precision over the maximum before reaching the maximum number of iterations. The default values are likely sufficient for most use cases.


(rival-analyze machine input-ranges)  ival?

  machine : rival-machine?
  input-ranges : (vectorof ival?)
Returns a boolean interval which indicates whether a call to rival-apply, with inputs in the supplied input-ranges, is guaranteed to raise an exception.

In other words, if ival-false is returned, there is no point calling rival-apply with any point in the input-range. If ival-maybe is returned, some points in the input-range may raise errors, while others may not, though nothing is guaranteed. If ival-true is returned, an exn:rival:invalid will not be raised for any point in the input-range. However, a exn:rival:unsamplable may still be raised.

The advantage of rival-analyze over rival-apply is that it applies to whole ranges of input points and is much faster.