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Rival:   Real Computation via Interval Arithmetic

Rival: Real Computation via Interval Arithmetic🔗ℹ

Pavel Panchekha, Artem Yadrov, Oliver Flatt

 (require rival) package: rival

Rival is an advanced interval arithmetic library for arbitrary-precision computation of complex mathematical expressions. Its interval arithmetic is valid and attempts to be tight. Besides the standard intervals, Rival also supports boolean intervals, error intervals, and movability flags, as described in "An Interval Arithmetic for Robust Error Estimation".

Rival is a part of the Herbie project, and is developed on Github.

Rival provides a command-line REPL for testing its capabilities:

$ racket -l rival

> (define (f x) (- (sin x) (- x (/ (pow x 3) 6))))

> (eval f 0.5)


> (eval f 1e-100)


Use help at the command-line to see more the available commands

Rival can also be used programmatically:

> (define expr '(- (sin x) (- x (/ (pow x 3) 6))))
> (define machine (rival-compile (list expr) '(x) (list flonum-discretization)))
> (rival-apply machine (vector (bf 0.5)))


> (rival-apply machine (vector (bf 1e-100)))


Rival works by evaluating the expression with high-precision interval arithmetic, repeating the evaluation with ever-higher precision until a narrow-enough output interval is found. The explain command shows a visualization of this process:

> (explain f 1e-100)

Executed 7 instructions for 3 iterations:


        Bits  Time  Bits  Time  Bits  Time


adjust                     8.1         6.8

   sin    78   3.9   667  13.9  1768  28.1

     3    93   0.0

   pow    88   6.1              1112   5.1

     6    88   0.0

   div    83   3.9              1107   3.9

   add    78   2.0   667   3.2  1768   2.9

   sub    73   3.2    73   2.0    73   3.2


 Total        19.0        27.1        50.0


Total: 128.9µs

In this case Rival needed three iterations with up to 1770 bits for some of the operations in the final iteration. About a third of the time was spent in the sin operation. The same runtime information can be accessed programmatically using rival-profile.

Rival also exposes the underlying interval-arithmetic library:

> (bf-precision 20)
> (define x (ival 2.bf 3.bf))
> x

(ival (bf 2) (bf 3))

> (ival-add x x)

(ival (bf 4) (bf 6))

> (ival-sqrt x)

(ival (bf #e1.4142132) (bf #e1.7320518))

Rival is fast, accurate, and sound. We believe it to be a state-of-the-art implementation, competitive with Sollya/MPFI, Calcium/Arb, and Mathematica.