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Simple-Svg:   Scalable Vector Graphics

Simple-Svg: Scalable Vector Graphics🔗ℹ

Chen Xiao <chenxiao770117@gmail.com>

simple-svg package is a simple tool to write svg.

thanks to Joni’s tutorial: "Svg Pocket Guide".

    1 Install

    2 Showcase

      2.1 Empty Svg

      2.2 Five Circles

      2.3 Recursive Circle

      2.4 Recursive Fern

      2.5 Racket Logo

    3 Usage

      3.1 Basic steps to use simple-svg

      3.2 basic usage

      3.3 background

      3.4 multiple shapes

      3.5 use group

    4 Svg Style

    5 About Color

    6 Rectangle

      6.1 rect

      6.2 rect with start point(no padding)

      6.3 rect with radius

      6.4 multiple rect

    7 Circle

      7.1 circle

      7.2 multiple circle

    8 Ellipse

      8.1 ellipse

    9 Line

      9.1 line

    10 Polyline

      10.1 polyline

    11 Polygon

      11.1 polygon

    12 Arrow

      12.1 arrow

    13 Path

      13.1 Raw Path

      13.2 svg-path-moveto/svg-path-moveto*

      13.3 svg-path-close

      13.4 svg-path-lineto/lineto*/hlineto/vlineto

      13.5 svg-path-qcurve/qcurve*

      13.6 svg-path-ccurve/ccurve*

      13.7 svg-path-arc/arc*

    14 Text

    15 Gradient

    16 Filter

    17 Group

      17.1 Combine shapes to group

      17.2 Define group, then use it in other group

    18 Marker