5 Faceting🔗ℹ

In both the Gapminder and GSS examples, we ended with a whole bunch of information crammed into a single visualization. Let’s say we instead wanted to make things more clear. In this case, we can add a facet to our visualization, which creates multiple plots in different panels.

Faceting is a global aesthetic (used by graph, and not individual renderers), dictated by the keyword #:facet. To use it, we specify it to be a variable, and graph will split the plot up for us. Take the previous GSS example: let’s say we wanted to instead facet on bigregion, and then have each subplot represent religious preferences in that region. In that case:
> (parameterize ([plot-x-tick-label-angle 30]
                 [plot-x-tick-label-anchor 'top-right])
    (graph #:data gss
           #:mapping (aes #:x "religion" #:facet "bigregion")
           #:width 700 #:height 700
           (bar #:mode 'prop)))


Now we’ve managed to split up our visualization into seperate charts for each region. In addition, this demonstrates that missing functionality in Graphite can be added with the regular plot parameters, in this case to rotate the labels.

We can also do this for the Gapminder plot, by faceting by continent:
> (graph #:data gapminder
         #:title "GDP per capita vs life expectancy"
         #:x-label "GDP per capita (USD)"
         #:y-label "Life expectancy (years)"
         #:mapping (aes #:x "gdpPercap" #:y "lifeExp" #:facet "continent")
         #:x-transform logarithmic-transform
         #:height 900 #:width 700
         #:facet-wrap 2
         (points #:alpha 0.4)
         (fit #:width 3))


The #:facet-wrap keyword argument determines how many columns the resulting facet will have (so, how many frames we have until we wrap). This is set to 2 for all the plots in this document, because of mobile.

Note that we have to pay attention to the variable we’re faceting on, and make sure that that variable makes sense to facet on. For example, if we were to facet on "country", we would get something close to 150 frames!

Let’s work up a more complex plot, with faceting in mind. Say we want to take Gapminder, and get data about GDP per capita over time. Because this is a time series, it makes sense to use the lines renderer. Here’s an initial attempt:
> (graph #:data gapminder
         #:mapping (aes #:x "year" #:y "gdpPercap")


Whoa! So the problem here is that Graphite doesn’t know how to handle all the data it’s being fed. Namely, we have a bunch of different data-points split up by continent. This information is correct: but we haven’t handled it correctly with our renderers.

One way to approach this is to instead get continent-level data, and make a fit for each of them. To first get data by continent, we can use a facet, like before. We map color to country, and hide the legend (since there are too many).
> (graph #:data gapminder
         #:mapping (aes #:x "year" #:y "gdpPercap" #:facet "continent")
         #:legend-anchor 'no-legend
         #:height 900 #:width 700
         #:facet-wrap 2
         (lines #:mapping (aes #:discrete-color "country")))


This is better, but we note that measurements in Asia are dwarfing that of poorer countries. To help offset this, we can add a log transform on the y-axis. Also, all these colors suck, so we override it with a global gray, but keep the coloring aesthetic so we retain our grouping.

> (graph #:data gapminder
         #:mapping (aes #:x "year" #:y "gdpPercap" #:facet "continent")
         #:y-transform logarithmic-transform
         #:legend-anchor 'no-legend
         #:height 900 #:width 700
         #:facet-wrap 2
         (lines #:color "gray" #:mapping (aes #:discrete-color "country")))


Finally, we can add a fit line, so we can know general trends on each continent. We use the nicer LOESS estimation method, since some of this data seems non-linear.
> (graph #:data gapminder
         #:mapping (aes #:x "year" #:y "gdpPercap" #:facet "continent")
         #:y-transform logarithmic-transform
         #:legend-anchor 'no-legend
         #:height 900 #:width 700
         #:facet-wrap 2
         (lines #:color "gray" #:mapping (aes #:discrete-color "country"))
         (fit #:width 3 #:method 'loess))


and there we have it!