On this page:
git_  filter_  list_  apply_  to_  blob
git_  filter_  list_  apply_  to_  data
git_  filter_  list_  apply_  to_  file
git_  filter_  list_  contains
git_  filter_  list_  free
git_  filter_  list_  length
git_  filter_  list_  load
git_  filter_  list_  new
git_  filter_  list_  push
git_  filter_  list_  stream_  blob
git_  filter_  list_  stream_  data
git_  filter_  list_  stream_  file
git_  filter_  lookup
git_  filter_  register
git_  filter_  source_  filemode
git_  filter_  source_  flags
git_  filter_  source_  id
git_  filter_  source_  mode
git_  filter_  source_  path
git_  filter_  source_  repo
git_  filter_  unregister

15 Filter🔗ℹ

 (require libgit2/include/filter) package: libgit2


(git_filter_list_apply_to_blob out    
  blob)  integer?
  out : buf?
  filters : filter_list?
  blob : blob?
Apply a filter list to the contents of a blob


(git_filter_list_apply_to_data out    
  in)  integer?
  out : buf?
  filters : filter_list?
  in : buf?
Apply filter list to a data buffer.

If the in buffer holds data allocated by libgit2 (i.e. in->asize is not zero), then it will be overwritten when applying the filters. If not, then it will be left untouched.

If there are no filters to apply (or filters is NULL), then the out buffer will reference the in buffer data (with asize set to zero) instead of allocating data. This keeps allocations to a minimum, but it means you have to be careful about freeing the in data since out may be pointing to it!


(git_filter_list_apply_to_file out    
  path)  integer?
  out : buf?
  filters : filter_list?
  repo : repository?
  path : string?
Apply a filter list to the contents of a file on disk

’path’ is relative to wrokdir


(git_filter_list_contains filters name)  boolean?

  filters : filter_list?
  name : string?
Query the filter list to see if a given filter (by name) will run. The built-in filters "crlf" and "ident" can be queried, otherwise this is the name of the filter specified by the filter attribute.

This will return 0 if the given filter is not in the list, or 1 if the filter will be applied.


(git_filter_list_free filters)  void?

  filters : filter_list?
Free a git_filter_list


(git_filter_list_length fl)  integer?

  fl : filter_list?
Look up how many filters are in the list

We will attempt to apply all of these filters to any data passed in, but note that the filter apply action still has the option of skipping data that is passed in (for example, the CRLF filter will skip data that appears to be binary).


(git_filter_list_load repo    
  flags)  (or/c filter_list? #f)
  repo : repository?
  blob : blob?
  path : string?
  mode : git_filter_mode_t
  flags : git_filter_flag_t
Load the filter list for a given path.

This will return 0 (success) but set the output git_filter_list to NULL if no filters are requested for the given file.


(git_filter_list_new repo mode options)  filter_list?

  repo : repository?
  mode : git_filter_mode_t
  options : git_filter_flag_t
Create a new empty filter list

Normally you won’t use this because git_filter_list_load will create the filter list for you, but you can use this in combination with the git_filter_lookup and git_filter_list_push functions to assemble your own chains of filters.


(git_filter_list_push fl filter payload)  integer?

  fl : filter_list?
  filter : filter?
  payload : bytes?
Add a filter to a filter list with the given payload.

Normally you won’t have to do this because the filter list is created by calling the "check" function on registered filters when the filter attributes are set, but this does allow more direct manipulation of filter lists when desired.

Note that normally the "check" function can set up a payload for the filter. Using this function, you can either pass in a payload if you know the expected payload format, or you can pass NULL. Some filters may fail with a NULL payload. Good luck!


(git_filter_list_stream_blob filters    
  target)  integer?
  filters : filter_list?
  blob : blob?
  target : writestream?
Apply a filter list to a blob as a stream


(git_filter_list_stream_data filters    
  target)  integer?
  filters : filter_list?
  data : buf?
  target : writestream?
Apply a filter list to an arbitrary buffer as a stream


(git_filter_list_stream_file filters    
  target)  integer?
  filters : filter_list?
  repo : repository?
  path : string?
  target : writestream?
Apply a filter list to a file as a stream


(git_filter_lookup name)  integer?

  name : string?
Look up a filter by name


(git_filter_register name filter priority)  integer?

  name : string?
  filter : filter?
  priority : integer?
Register a filter under a given name with a given priority.

As mentioned elsewhere, the initialize callback will not be invoked immediately. It is deferred until the filter is used in some way.

A filter’s attribute checks and check and apply callbacks will be issued in order of priority on smudge (to workdir), and in reverse order of priority on clean (to odb).

Two filters are preregistered with libgit2: - GIT_FILTER_CRLF with priority 0 - GIT_FILTER_IDENT with priority 100

Currently the filter registry is not thread safe, so any registering or deregistering of filters must be done outside of any possible usage of the filters (i.e. during application setup or shutdown).


(git_filter_source_filemode src)  integer?

  src : filter_source?
Get the file mode of the source file If the mode is unknown, this will return 0


(git_filter_source_flags src)  integer?

  src : filter_source?
Get the combination git_filter_flag_t options to be applied


(git_filter_source_id src)  oid?

  src : filter_source?
Get the OID of the source If the OID is unknown (often the case with GIT_FILTER_CLEAN) then this will return NULL.


(git_filter_source_mode src)  git_filter_mode_t

  src : filter_source?
Get the git_filter_mode_t to be used


(git_filter_source_path src)  string?

  src : filter_source?
Get the path that the source data is coming from.


(git_filter_source_repo src)  repository?

  src : filter_source?
Get the repository that the source data is coming from.


(git_filter_unregister name)  integer?

  name : string?
Remove the filter with the given name

Attempting to remove the builtin libgit2 filters is not permitted and will return an error.

Currently the filter registry is not thread safe, so any registering or deregistering of filters must be done outside of any possible usage of the filters (i.e. during application setup or shutdown).