On this page:
git_  patch_  free
git_  patch_  from_  blob_  and_  buffer
git_  patch_  from_  blobs
git_  patch_  from_  buffers
git_  patch_  from_  diff
git_  patch_  get_  delta
git_  patch_  get_  hunk
git_  patch_  get_  line_  in_  hunk
git_  patch_  line_  stats
git_  patch_  num_  hunks
git_  patch_  num_  lines_  in_  hunk
git_  patch_  print
git_  patch_  size
git_  patch_  to_  buf

27 Patch🔗ℹ

 (require libgit2/include/patch) package: libgit2


(git_patch_free patch)  void?

  patch : patch?
Free a git_patch object.


(git_patch_from_blob_and_buffer old_blob 
  (or/c patch? #f)
  old_blob : (or/c blob? #f)
  old_as_path : (or/c string? #f)
  buffer : (or/c bytes? #f)
  buffer_len : integer?
  buffer_as_path : (or/c bytes? #f)
  opts : (or/c git_diff_options? #f)
Directly generate a patch from the difference between a blob and a buffer.

This is just like git_diff_blob_to_buffer() except it generates a patch object for the difference instead of directly making callbacks. You can use the standard git_patch accessor functions to read the patch data, and you must call git_patch_free() on the patch when done.


(git_patch_from_blobs old_blob    
  opts)  patch?
  old_blob : (or/c blob? #f)
  old_as_path : (or/c string? #f)
  new_blob : (or/c blob? #f)
  new_as_path : (or/c string? #f)
  opts : (or/c git_diff_options? #f)
Directly generate a patch from the difference between two blobs.

This is just like git_diff_blobs() except it generates a patch object for the difference instead of directly making callbacks. You can use the standard git_patch accessor functions to read the patch data, and you must call git_patch_free() on the patch when done.


(git_patch_from_buffers old_buffer    
  opts)  patch?
  old_buffer : (or/c bytes? #f)
  old_len : integer?
  old_as_path : (or/c string? #f)
  new_buffer : (or/c bytes? #f)
  new_len : integer?
  new_as_path : (or/c string? #f)
  opts : (or/c git_diff_options? #f)
Directly generate a patch from the difference between two buffers.

This is just like git_diff_buffers() except it generates a patch object for the difference instead of directly making callbacks. You can use the standard git_patch accessor functions to read the patch data, and you must call git_patch_free() on the patch when done.


(git_patch_from_diff diff idx)  patch?

  diff : diff?
  idx : integer?
Return a patch for an entry in the diff list.

The git_patch is a newly created object contains the text diffs for the delta. You have to call git_patch_free() when you are done with it. You can use the patch object to loop over all the hunks and lines in the diff of the one delta.

For an unchanged file or a binary file, no git_patch will be created, the output will be set to NULL, and the binary flag will be set true in the git_diff_delta structure.

It is okay to pass NULL for either of the output parameters; if you pass NULL for the git_patch, then the text diff will not be calculated.


(git_patch_get_delta patch)  git_diff_delta?

  patch : patch?
Get the delta associated with a patch. This delta points to internal data and you do not have to release it when you are done with it.


(git_patch_get_hunk patch hunk_idx)  any

  patch : patch?
  hunk_idx : size_t
Get the information about a hunk in a patch

Given a patch and a hunk index into the patch, this returns detailed information about that hunk. Any of the output pointers can be passed as NULL if you don’t care about that particular piece of information.

Returns (values (out : git_diff_hunk?) (lines : integer?)). See Multiple Values


(git_patch_get_line_in_hunk patch    
  line_of_hunk)  git_diff_line?
  patch : patch?
  hunk_idx : integer?
  line_of_hunk : integer?
Get data about a line in a hunk of a patch.

Given a patch, a hunk index, and a line index in the hunk, this will return a lot of details about that line. If you pass a hunk index larger than the number of hunks or a line index larger than the number of lines in the hunk, this will return -1.


(git_patch_line_stats patch)  any

  patch : patch?
Get line counts of each type in a patch.

This helps imitate a diff –numstat type of output. For that purpose, you only need the total_additions and total_deletions values, but we include the total_context line count in case you want the total number of lines of diff output that will be generated.

All outputs are optional. Pass NULL if you don’t need a particular count.

Returns (values (context : integer?) (additions : integer?) (deletions : integer?)). See Multiple Values


(git_patch_num_hunks patch)  integer?

  patch : patch?
Get the number of hunks in a patch


(git_patch_num_lines_in_hunk patch    
  hunk_idx)  integer?
  patch : patch?
  hunk_idx : integer?
Get the number of lines in a hunk.


(git_patch_print patch print_cb payload)  integer?

  patch : patch?
  print_cb : git_diff_line_cb
  payload : bytes?
Serialize the patch to text via callback.

Returning a non-zero value from the callback will terminate the iteration and return that value to the caller.


(git_patch_size patch    
  include_file_headers)  integer?
  patch : patch?
  include_context : boolean?
  include_hunk_headers : boolean?
  include_file_headers : boolean?
Look up size of patch diff data in bytes

This returns the raw size of the patch data. This only includes the actual data from the lines of the diff, not the file or hunk headers.

If you pass include_context as true (non-zero), this will be the size of all of the diff output; if you pass it as false (zero), this will only include the actual changed lines (as if context_lines was 0).


(git_patch_to_buf out patch)  integer?

  out : buf?
  patch : patch?
Get the content of a patch as a single diff text.