On this page:
git_  strarray_  copy
git_  strarray_  free

45 Strarray🔗ℹ

 (require libgit2/include/strarray) package: libgit2


(git_strarray_copy tgt src)  integer?

  tgt : strarray?
  src : strarray?
Copy a string array object from source to target.

Note: target is overwritten and hence should be empty, otherwise its contents are leaked. Call git_strarray_free() if necessary.


(git_strarray_free array)  void?

  array : strarray?
Close a string array object

This method should be called on git_strarray objects where the strings array is allocated and contains allocated strings, such as what you would get from git_strarray_copy(). Not doing so, will result in a memory leak.

This does not free the git_strarray itself, since the library will never allocate that object directly itself (it is more commonly embedded inside another struct or created on the stack).